UPDATE: moving blogs!

I now blog over at http://kait.typepad.com/ (soon to be kaitmakesthings.com just btw).

Thanks for following and I hope you’ll like it better in my new home.
I sure do.

Much love, Kait

Happy Valentine’s Day, My Dears

Much love,

Blush and Tumble

frosted apple

my little pony hair - nylon magazine

And in honor of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week:

Much love,

Definitely dreaming of spring

17/365; bubble-keh!, originally uploaded by L i v i a ..

It is thirty-two whole degrees outside. Am I foolishly daydreaming of spring?
Yes, I am.

Currently Crushing

Kings of Convenience

can’t believe it took me so long to find.

kings of convenience band

Umm yes, I love you.
Please would you come sing for me for my birthday?

Please if I make cupcakes?

On Trends

Trends are a fickle lover.

It is that what draws us to them is both an acceptance, however meager, of aesthetic worth as well as a sort of coveting of affection; it’s like hanging out with the popular crowd in jr. high. You didn’t really even like them, considering what Claire behind your back after English you couldn’t say they were nice girls, but you were dying to be a part of their circle. They exuded a confidence and domination of their surroundings that, though their methods were lacking in refinement and they really should have stayed away from mommy’s makeup, their presence still commanded more attention than you did with your timid shuffle and your Tweety Bird sweatshirt. Unfortunately this catty behavior will sometimes remain well after she leaves the locker rooms and scrunchies of secondary education.

Now I understand that elitism is intrinsically intertwined with fashion and while the latter can be liberated but there are still echoes of exclusivity that are part of the thrill.
As much as the Elite French in the 17th century seemed to take drastic measures to prove their worth through wealth to the King, so do we put a great deal of weight on the socioeconomic condition we reflect. It is the same goal by different means.

For most, it is an exercise in vanity; an beautiful expression of self in others, those such rare cases of genuine inner confidence and purity of heart which radiate and catch us in awe. That is not to say that we are most of us vain little devils seeking to steal the limelight, in fact I would like to think that we are trying in part to simply bring about more beauty in the world, not just in our aesthetic appeal or superficial personal advancement, but I would say that there are a fair number of this sort.
When this style hysteria meets the business side of the trade, it follows that such a beast as the trend should arise as we know it today.
From what I can make of it thus far, it is a perpetuating factory of the new “in” look (why it’s “on trend”).

Candy for the magazine covers, meat for the journalists, someone to follow, something to crave.

I speak from a lack of compelling evidence to convince me that this trend machine is not simply feeding the masses what they want, vomiting it back up in a new form and feeding it to them again, simply for the sake of always having something to sell and something to buy. And while I can venture from here into a discussion regarding the effects of a capitalistic system I will instead muse upon the notion of wanting.

There is a part of us that will always want candy, even when we know it is just sugar.


I know I’m the last to jump on the Polyvore train, but my return to fashion begs for a styling outlet.

It’s a learning process, but I’d like to share a couple sets that I am particularly proud of:

Lunar New Year - Jason Wu

Lunar New Year – Jason Wu by platypus in boots featuring twill pants

This set I did as a tribute to Jason Wu as part of Polyvore’s Lunar New Year Contest.
If you don’t know his work (apart from what you see above), you should, it’s beautiful.
Check it out HERE. (Be warned: there’s music)

The second was just for fun, a set based on that beautiful feathered shoe:

Parisian Phoenix

Parisian Phoenix by platypus in boots featuring flower dresses

In fact, I am devoting a page to my styling adventures, so I’m not clogging up your feeds with this over and over, but you still have easy access.
You’ll find it here (and up on my Header).

What’s your take?

Do you play with Polyvore?

People are Awesome, and I Love Mail aka Kait’s First Ever Fabric Swap

My fabric swap package from came today! (Erin, yours is in the mail! — And don’t worry, the snow can’t get it .:D)
The packaging was a hit with my sister. She got it from the puzzled mail carrier.
I didn’t know you could send two-liters in the mail!

Check it out!

I love the little stitched howdy on her note. So fun!

I may have had a bit of a hard time opening it, despite being given instruction as to how it should be done.
Like a monkey trying to do a math problem…

Here’s the whole deal!

Aaaaaaand I officially have the best scrappy partner ever! Look at this adorable coffee cozy.

It even has my first initial on it, how thoughtful! This made my week. Thank you so much Erin!!!  (~ that is from me, my chilly hands and my coffee cup ;D)

Project MustStash: Embroidery Floss

It’s a rainbow trail of embroidery floss!

Now I just need a color-heavy project.

Any suggestions?

Some days are prettier than others.

I am in this cave.